Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Setting up my blog - Welcome!

Hi all,
I have decided to collect a bunch of notes and pictures from my violin workshop into a publicly accessible web blog.
I am an Italian violinmaker working in Siracusa, and I have been self-employed from 2003 with just a brief hiatus during the moving from Cremona to Sicily.
My aim is to get feedback from any fellow makers willing to participate in this and also, to present my work and finished instruments to other makers and prospective employers.

I am planning to move to another country and work as an employee, to gain a greater stability and  to settle down in a richer social and professional environment. My dream is quite simple after all, getting to have a decent living, by doing the job that I love.

I hope that the materials presented will be of interest to some; comments are welcome!

Note: my Google+ page will be discontinued due to lack of audience on that social media platform.

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