Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Violin peg shaper DIY

I made a "custom" violin peg shaper for my workshop some years ago. I had an "Officina Claudio Monteverde" violin in the workhop which needed a new set of pegs. I noticed that the pegholes had a non-standard conical ratio so I decided to buy a so-called "irregular" peg reamer and make my own peg shaper out of a piece of suitable wood.

 I chose a piece of a hard, slightly oily wood that I believe comes from Australia. I cut it out of a plank used for flooring.

For the cutter, I used a spare Stanley iron, which had the correct width and fastened it to the peg shaper with a threaded rod and a knurled wheel.
The metal is not as hard as regular peg shaper cutters, but it's much easier to sharpen. I use a 40° grinding angle.
A good improvement would be the placing of a reinforcement on the side opposite the edge of the iron.
I am planning to make another one with a larger diameter and regular shape, and use it to shave down the sticks that I use for bushing pegholes (Done - outer diameter 10mm)

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